Membership is offered to all physicians who are of Indian origin irrespective of the location of their Medical College/School. Most members would have completed their Residency/ Fellowship trainings and they would be at least 5 years into practice/ research by the time they join. They would have also obtained licensure to practice in at least one of the 50 States in the United States.
For individuals holding an MD or equivalent degree in the state of South Carolina.
Full voting rights.
Access to exclusive member-only content and events.
Ability to gain access to Continuing medical education (CME) activities and events.
Pharmacy, physical therapy, doctoral candidates, biomedical scientists, nutritionists, EMS, and ancillary health care professionals are eligible to become associate members.
Access to exclusive member-only content and events.
Ability to gain access to Continuing medical education (CME) activities and events.
This is our future and the largest group and includes all Medical School Students, all Residents and Fellows in training. The membership is free during their training period. Resident and Fellow members could also choose to join as a Patron Member by paying the same dues as an SCAPI member.
For individuals holding an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree engaged in an organized training program at an ACGME-accredited institution.
Access to select member-only content and events.
Access to continuing medical education (CME) activities.
This membership is for pre-medical or pre-health undergraduates who are eager to learn, gain networking opportunities, and want to positively impact the community.
For students in an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, Masters, or undergraduate program.
Proof of student status is required each year.
No voting rights.
Access to select member-only content and events.
Guest members are non-Indians regardless of their occupation. Such candidates shall have a non-voting membership and require a simple majority vote by the Executive Committee to be accepted as a member upon being recommended for membership by an active, voting member.